What is Side Hustling & why does it matter?
Looking for more FREE Side Hustle tips? Download the next Side Hustle 101 mini lesson: The Side Hustle Vision Statement.
Our 400+ Side Hustle 101 alumni have all defined their aspirations as creative entrepreneurs using our Vision Statement framework.
In this lesson, you will learn to align the side hustle(s) you start to the multiple currencies that matter to you. You'll also learn how this Vision Statement will become a helpful filter for your decision making - it will help you to decide what side hustle ideas you will pursue first.
New Side Hustle 101 Fall cohorts are now LIVE!
Side Hustle 101 is back and better than ever! We've combined the flexibility of our on demand course, with the accountability and support of our live course. This Fall you'll be able to join us for 1 of 4 cohorts, each of which will take place over 5 weeks.
During those 5 weeks you'll learn through watching all 12 on demand videos on your own time, and then you'll come together 3 times (once every two weeks) with course leaders and the rest of your cohort for supplemental learning experiences. Oh, and let's not forget the weekly live office hours and planning sessions that have become extremely popular with our On Demand students.
The best part? It's available at a discounted rate of $150 until midnight on September 5th (that's $50 less than the cost of the Live 6-week version of the course).
A Partnership to Empower Creators, Makers, Artists, & All Creative Entrepreneurs to Thrive in the New World of Work.
The Maker's Collective and The Canon Creator Lab have collaborated to support multi-passionate creatives to take control of their future by learning to transform creativity, skills, and ideas, into meaningful lines of income through side hustling. In 2022, everyone can be a side hustler. Side Hustle 101 is the blueprint and the community you need to make your side hustle dream a reality.