Digital Nomad Adventures: How Cluster Fuck-y Are Your Travel Days?

Sep 27, 2023

It’s that time again … we are on the road for our third Digital Nomad adventure of the year. 

First, in February/March we spent 36 days escaping the winter by working and living in Porto, Portugal. 

Then, we travelled to Halifax for 6 days to speak at the Start-Up Canada Tour Event, and to work and live near the ocean, with some new scenery.


Today, we are off to Calgary for 5 days to speak at the next Start-Up Canada Tour Event, and to work/live in a new city for a few days. 

After an early wake up we said goodbye to our cats, but unlike our last 2 trips, I managed to avoid weeping when saying good by to Florence and Earl this time. Plus, they are never far away … 

What, you don't bring figurines of your pets with you leave the house?

I’m actually writing this from our flight to YYC - and the travel day has been smooth so far.

I used to be the traveller who had to run to catch every single flight I took. Every๐Ÿ‘ Single๐Ÿ‘ One๐Ÿ‘. I still have flashbacks of sprinting through Heathrow in like 2009, while carrying a coffee that was spilling and scalding me the whole way.

Cluster fuck. That’s what travel days used to be for me. One giant cluster fuck. 

Then, I went to the Laura Hart School of Packing and Flight Preparation.

I’m pre-packed multiple days in advance. 

I’m at the airport at a time that some might describe as wildly early.

On the whole, travel days are much less cluster fuck-y. 

And, that’s a good thing, because we are working to design a life that allows us to spend 75-90 days a year in other parts of Canada, and other parts of the world, which means there will be a lot of travel days in our future. 

There’s nothing better than exploring the world, building businesses and designing life with people you love. 

If exploring this remote-work, digital nomad way of working and living speaks to you, check out our new FREE webinar: Digital Nomad 101, the next one is happening Tuesday, October 17th!

To learn more about Digital Nomad 101 and to register, hit the button below!